Monday, October 4, 2010

Loooonnnggg weekend

So... I didnt write since thursday. Im a bad blogger. Whatevs. So I exercised again on friday which I was really happy with. I am continuing on my journey which I guess is all you can do when you are down and out. I was gone for the weekend and drank way to much. Not that I was wasted per se, but it is still empty calories. Thats a problem for me. But I went right back into the swing of things today and swam a lot more agressively and even did some sprints! I am starting to notice the endorphines hitting me at a certain point. I am actually a bit sore today which I like because I know that means I am pushing myself. I am looking forward to going tomorrow.

I applied to a few jobs today, I am sure I wont hear back though. That would be far to kind and appropriate. Thats all for know though.

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