Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Lord Time Flies

It has been forever since I posted. I need to be more diligent about this. I need to keep myself accountable. The good news is that I have continued to work out. The Swimming continues to be a strong motivator. I have started doing weight training too. From what they say, muscle burns more fat so lets bring on the muscles! My time at the gym is now up to 1 1/2 hours. I even bought a pair of goggles which I promptly left behind on the first day and are now gone. Claassssssic Peg! (SNL reference). Anywho. So I have been trying to stay focused on the task at hand. I havent weighed my self in a while and I am kinda scared. I don't want it to be demotivating. We will see.

On the job front, I actually got an e-mail from a graphic design firm that liked my work which was exciting. They however, were not impressed with my lack of html and css knowledge. I did get CS3 design suite so I am futzing around with Dreamweaver and trying to learn more. I really like the whole graphic design arena and I feel that it is a good transition from my current job as a visual designer for marching bands. Other than that, there wasn't much going on in the job hunt world. Not a lot of jobs that I was interested in actually. I still have some money saved up so I am not broke just yet. Although, with two more weddings coming up, that will probably be zapped like whoa! Hire me!

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