Thursday, September 30, 2010

No pain, know rain

So it is monsooning outside which is fine. We needed the drink in my parts. I was planning on posting yesterday, but I had a small mishap with Amtrak. I was sitting at the station waiting for my train. When it pulled in, I realized I was on the wrong side of the track! Now, I know that I have been working out but the rediculous distance to reach the crossover bridge was formidable at the very least. I heard a ring of shreiking violins in my mind as my eyes zoomed in on the four story tower of terror! I start jogging down the platform trying to get to the other side. My crocs were slamming into the concrete with such a loud clip clop clip clop, you would think I was wearing wooden clogs from Holland. So I make it about 30 yards, roughly 12 minutes or so, and the damn train was already on its way. I called the famously helpful agents at Amtrak who had this response, "Well it looks like that's the last train for the night, shall I call you a cab." A CAB! Oh sure that would be fantastic. It should only cost 300 dollars to get half way home and from there I will just hop on a Luck Dragon with Sebastian from the Never-ending Story. No sweat.

So I had to call my own mother to pick me up 2 hours away. So here is when I get really pissed. As I am sitting on this platform for TWO HOURS, not 1, not 2, SEVEN TRAINS COME BARRELING THROUGH THE DAMN STATION! Could we please just call ONE of those trains and ask them to PICK A BITCH UP! ugh. On a better note...

I woke up and went swimming for an hour today! It was so much easier today. I stopped less and swam way more laps. I hope that I keep this up. I really like the exercise. Onward and upward.

On the job front:

I am so sick and tired of pyramid schemes trying to pass themselves off as actual businesses. It is so irritating. They tricky bitches too! They send you emails and call you acting like you applied for a job with them. Like I can remember all the flipping companies I have applied for. And they always have a name that sounds like the front for a weapons manufacturer bent on world domination. Like Global Business Strategies. I am surprised there isn't a lighting crash after you say its name.

Oh well. Love, peace, and Gary Senise

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