Wednesday, October 3, 2012

the tank is empty...

Today is one of those days where you want to do yourself a favor. I know that I need to go to the gym. I have not gone since friday. Thats four days off. I know I will feel better about myself after I go. I know that I need to go. I also know there is a Top Chef All Stars marathon on. I am also aware that my bed is comfortable. And I also know that I am better than all of these excuses. The bottom line is, I didnt lose 200+ pounds by listening to these excuses.

I guess the point is, the journey I am on is a constant battle. The battle isnt in the gym. Once you are there, the process takes over. The battle is making the time. The time is there. It is always available. It is tough to let yourself detach from the grid for an hour and wash away the media saturation that we are always consumed in. Perhaps it would be wise to just go to the fucking gym and stop blogging about it. And, don't you worry one second my fat loss voyeurs. I am going to the gym. I think it is important to show that the lack of motivation lives in everyone.

But you cannot let yourself give in. Giving in is what caused me to balloon up to an estimated 500 pounds. Giving in is what lead me to a life of what if's and Should haves. I have to turn my will-do's into have-done's. I heard a great quote on a podcast that I love called Cut The Fat. Download it immediately if you are looking for information on weight loss and healthy living. The quote is so simple and so true:


Read that again. Do it.

You have to have the ability to constantly and consistently be honest with yourself and what you are doing. . You must always be honest with yourself and not cheat your way into failure.. I am better than that. and so are you.

1 comment:

Alanda said...

ROCK! It's also really hard to stick with it when you have a crazy, unpredictable schedule. And you do! And you're still kicking ass.