Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where is this going?

So I have decided that I am going to be trying a new style of blog. I have been obsessed with the news lately and that will be coming through a lot more. I have decided to post things that I fine hilarious or touching or down right enraging. If I keep it just about the weight loss and job hunt I wont post frequently enough. So I hope you don't mind me constantly posting. I need to find something to pass the day while I am waiting for no one to call me about a job offer.

So, the week I had off from the gym was totally worth it. It feels nice to get back in there and feel a sense of accomplishment. I am sure I put on a couple pounds but I find it focused my energy when I went back. I think I will try to take a week long break every few months.

On the job side of things, I am revamping my resume. I have GOT to find a job. I am going crazy living at home. It is so hard to stay positive when you feel trapped and embarrassed by your current living arrangements. You start to lose hope and feel that there isn't a place for you in this world. I know that something will come along eventually. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later.

So I was talking to this guy when I was out for new years celebratory goodness. He started talking about how the long term unemployed are just sitting on their asses and collecting money. I started laughing hysterically. He said,"I mean, am I right? Or am I right?". He said it with this vaudeville flair that you just had to appreciate. I informed him of my current situation. I told him that I apply to many jobs a week from Starbucks to Congressman and I don't even get a reply. Of course, he has the standard complaint... "Well I have this friend who was unemployment and he just took the money and didn't do shit!"

Well, frankly... your "friend" is a douchebag! I am doing my part and that is all I can do. I can't be blamed for your friends poor choices. So, until you have turned in a jar full of change to pay for the most menial of things, don't judge me.

Happy New Year! And fuck off 2010, you are the worst year of my life and I hope that you are burning in the fiery pits of hell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love you!!!!!!!!
