Thursday, December 9, 2010


I am sorry that I am slacking on the blog front. Just to keep everyone updated, I am still working out, still counting calories, still bored. I have started to change up my swimming workouts. I am hoping that one of Santa's elves ( read: bitch slaves ) will bring me the swimming stopwatch I want. That would push me more I think. I have gotten to the point, however, where going to the gym is just what I do. It is becoming part of my routine. I like that. Its the first time in a long time where honest to god working out is a part of my vocabulary. I am sorry for the slacking. I will try to be more vigilant in writing these.


karen said...

Hey! Kenny! Remember me, Alanda's Mom? I have been linked to your blog through Alanda. I wanted to let you know that I am also a one mile swimmer. It is boring/meditative! It takes about 6 laps till I can breathe in the right rhythm. I love/hate it. My knees are pretty shot, and I hurt my back last spring, so all the high impact stuff I loved once upon a time is history. But I always feel awesome(!!!!) when I finish, and few people can accomplish it! I need to do more weight lifting! So I think you are on the right track! Keep it up!!!

Luke R. @ said...

Nice job bro! Glad to hear things are going well.