Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Im afraid I cant do that Dave...

So this morning I had an e-mail. Not too earth shattering until you consider the source. It was an e-mail from My Fitness Pal. Now, I am not talking about a gym buddy. Or my secret boyfriend at the gym ( he loves me so much, he just doesn't know it yet . It is my fucking Ipod app! I am fully aware that we are living in the 21st century and I guess motivation is always appreciated, but seriously. That is a little too Kubrick for me!

This has to be one of the creepiest things I have ever gotten in my e-mail. And I look at porn on my computer so I get some REAL creepy shit. I thought you would find that interesting.

I had a great workout today! Lifted a bit, swam a bit. Same ole shit.

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