Thursday, January 6, 2011

Body Madoff is just a DOUCHE!!

A high-yield investment program (HYIP) is a type of Ponzi scheme, which is an investment scam that promises an unsustainably high return on investment by paying previous investors with the money invested by newcomers. - Wikipedia

So I hope that you are all aware of Bernie Madoff. The Ponzi Scheme douche who bilked MILLIONS of dollars from a lot of people. This is a crime. Not because it affects people, but because it effects rich white people. That is a no-no. Never mind the fact that the only job interview offers I have had are from Pyramid Schemes that apparently no one cares about.

I started thinking of my exercise regimen as an investment. I am investing my money ( time ) in the expectation that there will be returns (lose weight). The more "money" I put in, the more I should get in payouts. I then realized that I am not getting any returns. Oh HELL no! That is some Bernie Madoff bullshit right there! Or so I thought...

Turns out, in a Ponzi Scheme, you take the investments from your new clients to pay your returns for your older clients. That is not the case here, as I am seeing very little in returns. So basically, it is just a failed investment. So Bernie Madoff can rot in jail, but Body Madoff is just a douche. Which, unfortunately, is not a crime. In order for it to be a crime, Body Madoff would have to essentially "rob Peter to pay Paul". To which I say...

ROB THAT BITCH! GRAB AN AXE HANDLE AND BEAT HIS FOOL ASS LIKE A PINATA. TURN OUT HIS POCKETS! Shit, make squat down and cough to make sure he doesnt have a roll of pennies hidden in his ASS!

*( Editor's Note: I am still committed to my lifestyle change, I am just stuck at a plateau and am a touch frustrated )

1 comment:

matt said...

I'm slinging the weights around tonight to fund your weight loss. Now I must find a new investor.