Tuesday, October 19, 2010

yikes! ( or: If you like it then you shoulda put a towel on it!)

So I had a great workout. Swam a lot. Lifted some. blah blah blah. The interesting part of this is the fact that guys are so weird. There was this dude with a huge wang! Like distractingly so. I mean, I don't go on the hunt. I keep to myself in the locker room. But of course, its not that simple. He is so proud of it. Just chatty mcchatterson the chattiest dude in chat town, walking around being the social butterfly with ne'er piece of clothing. Not a stitch. Not even a fucking band-aid. Seriously homes, put a towel on.

In a related story, Tyra is doing a show on gay exorcisms. Patricia Mckinney is a prophet (self-proclaimed of course) who casts out the fabulousness. Expels fierceness. The best part is, she sounds like Mo'nique. Oh, the irony!

1 comment:

Jen Berlin said...

Ok, I'm a little late to the party on your blog, but this post had me in tears at my desk. You are one funny SOB my friend!! Good luck!