Tuesday, September 28, 2010

here we go!

Long time no blog. So I am joining a gym today and I am starting to work out more. I had a lapband put in years ago and I guess you really do have to work out. There are no shortcuts in life. Ugh. Oh well. I have decided to try swimming because that was what I loved as a kid and what caused me to gain weight when I quit. I know no one is reading this so its mainly for me. I am tired of being alone in this world. I love my friends dearly, but frankly, I dont want to sleep with them. I know that its what on the inside that counts, but being a gay man, I know how shallow we are. Plus, there is no reason not to work on my fitness. I am unemployed and have all the time in the world. I am turning Job-loss into Weight-loss. And that is the new theme of my blog. So here we go. Day 1... stay tuned.

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