Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sniff...Sniff... Cough... EAT!

So I had the pleasure of judging a marching band show this weekend. Those that know me personally are fully aware that this is a dream gig for me. The fact that I get paid to do something that I would pay to do is simply amazing. It is awesome to give back to an activity that has given my so much in my life. That being said, it did give me something else this weekend. THE DREADED COLD!

The worst thing about a cold isn't the sniffles. The head congestion I can deal with. The cold sweats are tolerable being that I sweat all the time anyways. For me, the absolute worst part is the inevitable chest cold. I am asthmatic. This is something that I usually can handle through inhalers. However, when I get sick, my lungs seize up like a southern white lady around black people. Clutching their purse tight and panicking silently. Well, not so silently. I sound like that weird dog villain from the Laff-a-lympics.

Clearly, this has put a dent in my cardio routine. Its frustrating because I had already been slacking off before this. Now I feel like I am really doing myself a disservice and taking multiple steps backwards. It is wise in times like this that you have to remember that weight loss is mostly about diet. Some experts say that it is as much as 80% diet. So all you have to do is keep eating well. Problem solved!


As a normal human, when I am sick, I want to feel better. So I want comfort food. I want chicken soup for my fat ass soul. I want peanut butter and jelly. I want creamy chowder. Ice cream! I want anything that might make me want to enjoy life again. And I want all of it. Like now! I am in full blown Veruca Salt golden geese realness def con 5.

And to exacerbate the problem, I am laying in bed all day. Not an ounce of exercise. Well, aside from the ab isolation from coughing all day. The only time I get up is to stuff my face. So gross. And I rationalize all of this because I am sick. Starve a fever, feed a cold. Right? Thats what my grandmother always said. (Of course, she cooks everything in crisco and thinks Obama is a secret muslim. ) My prescription says I have to take my meds with food. Doctors orders, bitch. Now give me my bag of tostitos and pint of ice cream and ...

I trust that you will find yourself in this situation at some point. Just try to be more self aware than I was yesterday. It was a misstep to say the least. But I am back on track today and I am hoping to be back in the gym tomorrow. Or at least by friday. Please by friday, I'm so bored!


Alanda said...

I heard that the real phrase is "[If you] feed a cold, [you'll have to] starve a fever." Not sure if that's true. I hope you feel better and give yourself a frickin' break! Cravings sometimes mean your body needs something. Eat some goddamn soup.

Anonymous said...

good god I miss you. get better bitch.


karen said...

Eat some goddamn soup!!! Have a few noodles! When you are better, you will be back in the saddle!