So I have finally broke the 300 pound barrier. I am back in the 200's which I have not seen in about a decade. I am sure you are wondering why there are no exclamation points being used. Well, frankly, I am exhausted. To say that this is a struggle is putting it lightly. It took me a month to lose 7 pounds. A whole fucking month. That is why you shouldn't use scales. It makes you want to give up. You just can't. It is the hardest thing I have ever done. It is painful, heart wrenching, exhausting, and it takes its toll on you. I am not saying this to scare you away from it. The rewards are plentiful, and people always talk about that. They don't tell you about the dark side of it. And that is wrong. You need to be aware of it. You need to know that this is a long hard road that is not pleasant. The road is hot, sweaty, smelly, with rashes, sore knees, and back pain. But it is not the road that you need to concern yourself with. It is the haven that is at the end of the road. That place where you find yourself standing in the world you wanted for yourself. It is so far away, but it is still there none the less, and you are only going to get there if you keep moving.
This song is my ultra gay anthem for motivation. The amount of times I have cried to this is obscene.
that must have been a real struggle. ;) super proud of you bitch. xoxo.
Kenny I am hypothyroid and this is affecting my ability to lose weight postmenopausally (eeewwwwww!) I threw away my synthroid RX, am taking kelp supplements and a homeopathic remedy. Check out Dr Zachary Bush in Scottsdale, he is an endocrinologist/researcher at UVA, now a holistic practitioner.
PS You kick ass
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