Love him. Anyway, so you know how in cartoons there is that moment were someone is starving and then everything around them starts looking like food? Like, their friend with porcine features turns in to a roast pig with an apple in his mouth? This for real happened to me today. Like, for real for real. Like sho' nuff for real real. I was on lap 867,5309 when I looked at the lifeguard and saw this...

Needless to say, I did a double take. I can think of no better snack than Cheez-Its. They are so delicious, they are banned from my house. I am not joking. When a box is in front of me I look like a squirrel storing nuts for winter. So yummy! I am getting sidetracked. What was actually there upon my second glance was this...

I had always thought that this was a cartoon phenomenon but it happens in real life. Either that or I have dieted myself crazy. Probably the latter.
1 comment:
So I just saw this, and I thought of the many nights that included the Cheez-It train... as in you can't stop this train!.... xoxo you are doing wonderful keep it up
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